Friday, July 27, 2007

Tyber Memories

Just curious if anyone is interested in sharing any particular memories from Tyber Creek over the past while. I mean maybe it was that time that the drunk girl walked right in front of us while we were playing darts not too long ago. Or maybe it was the time that the Miller Lite girls came and harassed us by wanting us to answer questions about the 'Man-Law' commercials and we gave them the answers they were not looking for. Oh, later we found out that Ficker knew one of them. Perhaps it was the time that Mike was so crazy that he fell down the entire set of stairs. Wait, that never actually happened, but it might have! If you have any awesome pictures of Tyber Creek you can email them to me or Donnie and we'll post them. In fact, any action on this site would be nice. Hope everyone has a good weekend and continues to drink a lot of good beer. Did you know drinking good beer instead of swill helps the environment? I'll explain later...

Eric out.

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